Saturday, March 13, 2010

Not quite beach weather

A few weeks ago, we decided we needed to get out of our Boston apartment for a few days, so we headed up to Portland, Maine. One of the highlights of the trip was walking out to Crescent Beach on Cape Elizabeth. The road is closed in winter, and it of course didn't completely register that this meant we would be pushing the stroller through snow and ice.

However, the sun was out and the view was beautiful, which made it completely worth the effort.

On a completely unrelated note, Evan's head gets very sweaty when he takes naps (likely because we put him in lots of layers of warm clothes thinking that this will lull him into sleeping for an extra half hour), so he often wakes up with a really funky hairdo. Today's was particularly impressive, so I though we would share.

1 comment:

Sun said...

Holy cow. Those last couple pictures of Evan are like looking into the future of what he'll look like when he's a teenager and wearing his hair all spiky ...