Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Climber in training?

I've been meaning to post this for a couple of weeks now, but Evan has mastered the sit-start VO boulder problem that is the gate to his playroom. He did this the first time while we were eating dinner, which brought many cheers and clapping. He is still quite entertained by watching our reaction every time he pulls himself up (sometimes I think that we exist for the sole purpose of his entertainment). He is now starting to try to step up onto the bottom bar of the gate. I fear that he will figure out the high-step onto the big square plastic piece and within a year or so will be climbing right over the gate. The upside to all of this is that once he hits that point, he'll be ready for Mommy to take him to the climbing gym!!!


Johnson Family said...

what an awesome playroom! his floor is really cool. I bet he loves playing in there. Has your dog gotten over the fear of the gates and squishy floor?

Jason, Robin and Colin said...

He's getting so big and how exciting that he's pulling himself up on the gate - keep the updates coming. We miss you guys!