Friday, September 25, 2009

Mommy needs to go back to kindergarten

John is at a conference in Germany for four days, and even though he has only been gone for a day, the wheels are already starting to fall off. I thought I was doing pretty well this morning - get up, let the dog out, have coffee, feed Evan, feed myself, dress Evan, dress myself, clean up from breakfast, and pack lunches. Then, as we were about to walk out the door, I saw this (and am such an awesome mommy that I stopped to take pictures before fixing it)

Yup, those are two shoes on the wrong feet. I guess I need to go back to kindergarten and have someone teach me left and right again. Fortunately, Evan didn't seem bothered by it at all, which is good since he had been walking around like this for about half an hour.

At the rate I'm going, John may just come home to find Nicky sitting in the high chair and Evan eating fish sticks out of the dog bowl.

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